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Selected Recent Publications

  • July 2010. Art in Review: Spray! by Roberta Smith, The New York Times
    In a review of the exhibition Spray!--featuring eleven works spanning four decades of aerosol painting--the noted critic Roberta Smith pays tribute to Dan Christensen.


Previous Publications

  • Kozloff, Max. "Light as Surface: Ralph Humphrey and Dan Christensen." Artforum Feb. 1968: 26-30.

  • Martin, Ann Ray, and Howard Junker. "The New Art: It's Way, Way Out." Newsweek 29 July 1968: 56-63.

  • Rose, Barbara. "Gallery without Walls." Art in America March/April 1968: 71.

  • Wasserman, Emily. "Corcoran Biennial." Artforum April 1969: 71-74.

  • Welish. "Art." Manhattan East 23 May 1969: 2.

  • Anonymous. "To See, To Feel, Painting--Dervish Loops." Time Magazine 30 May 1969: 64.

  • Glueck, Grace. "Like a Beginning." Art in America May/June 1969: 116-19.

  • Terbell, Melinda. Arts Magazine June 1969: 2.

  • Anonymous. "Art in New York, Midtown, Dan Christensen," Time Magazine 6 June 1969: 2.

  • Gruen, John. "The Whoosh in the Work." New York Magazine 9 June 1969: 57.

  • Hager, Moses. "Christensen Paintings--Splashy." The Jersey Journal 9 July 1969.

  • Wasserman, Emily. "New York." Artforum Summer 1969: 61-62.

  • Anonymous. Arts Magazine Summer 1969: 60.

  • Anonymous. Highlights of the 1968-69 Art Season. Ridgefield, Connecticut: Aldrich Museum of

  • Contemporary Art, Summer 1969.

  • Davis, Douglas M. "This Is the Loose-Paint Generation." The National Observer 4 Aug. 1969: 20.

  • Burton, Scott. Art News Sept. 1969: 16.

  • David, Marilyn. "Thedford at the Guggenheim." Omaha World Herald Magazine of the Midlands 28 Sept. 1969: 30.

  • Aldrich, Larry. "Young Lyrical Painters." Art in America Nov./Dec. 1969: 104-113.

  • Anonymous. "Dan Christensen." Nine Young Artists Theordoran Awards. New York: Guggenheim Museum, 1969.

  • Anonymous. Kunstmarkt 1969. Koeln, Germany, 1969.

  • Ratcliff, Carter. "The New Informalists." Art News Feb. 1970: 46-50.

  • Curtis, Charlotte. "When Ethel Scull Redecorates, it is Art News." The New York Times 27 Feb. 1970: 33.

  • Colt, Priscilla. Some Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary Painting." Dayton Art Institute Bulletin 28 (March 1970): 14.

  • Davis, Douglas. "The New Color Painters." Newsweek 4 May 1970: 84-85.

  • Plagens, Peter. Artforum May 1970: 82-83.

  • Channin, Richard. "New Directions in Painterly Abstraction." Art International Sept. 1970; 62-64.

  • Domingo, Willis. "Color Abstractionism: A Survey of Recent American Paitings." Arts Magazine Dec. 1970: 39.

  • Glueck, Grace. "A Happy New Year?" Art in America Jan./Feb. 1971: 26-27.

  • Mikotaynh, A. Arts Magazine March 1971: 63-64.

  • C. R. "Reviews and Previews." Art News March 1971: 17.

  • Pincus-Witten, Robert. "New York." Artforum April 1971: 75.

  • Henning, Edward B. "Color & Field." Art International May 1971: 46-50.

  • Ratcliff, Carter. "New York Letter: Spring, Part III." Art International Summer 1971: 95-99, 105.

  • Siegel, Jeanne. "Around Barnett Newman." Art News Oct. 1971: 42-43.

  • Anonymous. Galeriehaus Koeln 4 (1971): 24-25.

  • Tucker, Marcia. The Structure of Color. New York: Whitney Museum, 1971.

  • Wood, James N. Six Painters. Buffalo, New York: Albright-Knox Gallery, 1971.

  • Coe, Ralph T. [Catalogue.] Kansas City, Nelson Gallery, Atkins Museum, 1972.

  • Elderfield, John. Art International Summer 1972: 85-95.

  • Kramer, Hilton. The New York Times 28 Oct. 1972: 23.

  • Siegel, Jeanne. Art News Nov. 1972: 79.

  • Moffett, Kenworth. Abstract Painting of the 70's. Boston, Massachusetts: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 1972.

  • Masheck, Joseph. Artforum Jan. 1973: 91-92.

  • Anonymous. Art International Feb. 1973: 44-45.

  • Bowling, Frank. "A Modest Proposal." Arts Magazine Feb. 1973: 58.

  • Monte, James K. "Six New York Artists." Paintings. Phildelphia, Pennsylvania: Moore College of Art, 1973.

  • Von Baron, Judith. Arts Magazine June 1974: 68.

  • Wilkin, Karen. "Dan Christensen: Recent Paintings." Art International Summer 1974: 57.

  • Baker, Kenneth. Art in America Summer 1974: 107.

  • Bell, Jane. Arts Magazine May 1975: 7.

  • Anonymous. Artforum May 1975: 74.

  • Anonymous. "Ausstellung." Art International June 1975: 74.

  • Marshall, W. Neil. Arts Magazine June 1975: 21.

  • Crossley, Mimi. "Art: Reginato and Christensen at Watson/de Nagy." Houston Post 19 Feb. 1976: 6BB.

  • Moser, Charlotte. "New York Artists Contrast Points of View." Houston Chronicle 20 Feb. 1976: 2.

  • Hoffman, Donald. "Color in Paints, Markers, Lights and Fabrics." Kansas City Star 22 Feb. 1976: 6E.

  • Anonymous. Art International April/May 1976: 55-56.

  • Hoesterey, Ingeborg. "Ausstellung." Art International Summer 1976: 31-32.

  • Gold, Barbara. "Not Better, Just Better Packaged." Baltimore Sun 21 Nov. 1976: D2.

  • Fenton, Terry. New Abstract Art. Edmonton, Alberta: Edmonton Art Gallery, 1977.

  • Melcher, Victoria. Kansas City Magazine Feb. 1978.

  • Dunn, Marietta. "Painter Swimming in Mainstream of Art." Kansas City Star 16 April 1978.

  • Walling, Michael. "Dan Christensen at the Douglas Drake Gallery." Forum. Kansas City Artists Coalition, 1978.

  • Doe, Donald. Expressionism in the Seventies. Omaha, Nebraska: University of Nebraska at Omaha Gallery, 1978.

  • Anonymous. American Masters of the Sixties and Seventies: Selections from the Collection of Jan and Ronald

  • Greenberg. Memphis, Tennessee: Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, 1978.

  • Glueck, Grace. "Dan Christensen." New York Times 16 March 1979: 24.

  • Ashbery, John. "Out of Left Field." New York 2 April 1979: 68.

  • Sturges, Hollister. "Interview with Dan Christensen." Forum. Kansas City Artists Coalition, Summer 1979.

  • Monte, James K. "Art." Adelina Magazine Vol. 14, No. 1 (Jan. 1980).

  • Doe, Donald. Dan Christensen: Paintings from the 70's. Omaha, Nebraska: University of Nebraska at Omaha, 1980.

  • Tatransky, Valentin. "Dan Christensen at Meredith Long Contemporary." Arts Magazine April 1980.

  • Elderfield, John. New Work on Paper. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1981.

  • Kramer, Hilton. "Art: Show of New Works Sets Example at Modern." The New York Times 13 Feb. 1981.

  • Kramer, Hilton. The New York Times 27 Feb. 1981.

  • Larson, Kay. "Drawing on Strength." New York 9 March 1981: 58-61.

  • Ashbery, John. "Pleasures of Paperwork." Newsweek 16 March 1981: 93-94.

  • Tatransky, Valentin. "New Work in New York." Museum Magazine July/Aug. 1981: 64-68.

  • Carpenter, Ken. The Heritage of Jack Bush: A Tribute. Oshawa, Ontario: The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, 1981.

  • Glowen, Ron. Vanguard [Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia] April 1982: 33-34.

  • Barbara Rose. Miro in America. Houston: The Museum of Fine Arts, 1982.

  • Tatransky, Valentin. Arts Magazine May 1982: 11.

  • Hoffmann, Donald. "Masterly Technique Distilled." Kansas City Star 23 May 1982: 10G.

  • Anonymous. 46th Annual National Midyear Show: 1982. Youngstown, Ohio: The Butler Institute of American Art, 1982.

  • Dalphonse, Sherri. "The Season: Art & Artist." Hamptons Newspaper/Magazine 14 June 1984: 8.

  • Anonymous. "At 'il punto blu': Dan Christensen." Suffolk Summer Life 15 June 1984: 16.

  • Siegel, Jeanne. Artwords: Discourse on the 60s and 70s. Studies in the Fine Arts: The Avant-Garde, No. 47.

  • Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1985.

  • Long, Robert. "Three at Vered." East Hampton Star 9 May 1985: 8.

  • Anonymous. "Guild Hall Spotlights 11 East Enders." The Southampton Press 7 Aug. 1986: B7.

  • Slivka, Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The East Hampton Star 21 Aug. 1986, Sec. II: 9.

  • Anonymous. "Bank Wins Works From Eleven Painters Exhibit." The Light 21 Aug. 1986: 13.

  • Lipson, Karin. "Works by the East End's 'New Blood.'" Newsday/Weekend 22 Aug. 1986: 25.

  • Braff, Phyllis. "11 East End Painters Illustrate Bold New Trends." The New York Times 14 Sept. 1986.

  • Long, Robert. "Perspectives: 11 Painters on View at Guild Hall." The Southampton Press 18 Sept. 1986: B4.

  • Slivka, Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The Easthampton Star 4 June 1987, Sec. 2: 9.\

  • Moffett, Kenworth. Moffett's Artletter Vol. 2., No. 10 (Dec. 1987): 75.

  • Long, Robert. "Perspective." The Southampton Press 2 June 1988: B7.

  • Slivka Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The East Hampton Star 2 June 1988:

  • MacMillan, Kyle. "Nebraska Native Is Successful in N.Y. as Abstract Painter." Sunday World-Herald [Omaha] 11 Dec. 1988: 21.

  • Moffett, Kenworth. Moffett's Artletter Vol. 3, No. 4 (Dec. 1988): 160-61.

  • Cameron, Dan. Review of "Before the Field: Paintings from the 60s," at the Daniel Newburgh Gallery. Flash Art 152 (May/June 1990).

  • Sansegundo, Sheridan. "At the Galleries." The East Hampton Star 31 May 1990, Sec. II: 10.

  • Leigh, Candace. "Dan Christensen." Hamptons Magazine 1 June 1990: 27.

  • Slivka, Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The East Hampton Star 7 June 1990, Sec. 2: 11.

  • Long, Robert. "One-Man Shows at 2 Galleries Feature Well-Established Artists." South Hampton Press 7 June 1990: 17.

  • Braff, Phyllis. "Social and Political Situations." New York Times, Long Island Weekly [supplement], 17 June 1991: 17.

  • Bard, Elin A. "Various Mediums at the Springs Gallery." Dan's Papers 7 June 1991: 29.

  • Braff, Phyllis. "Contemporary Styles and Directions." New York Times, Long Island Weekly [supplement], 16 June 1991: 12.

  • Slivka, Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The East Hampton Star 20 June 1991, Sec. 2: 9.

  • Monte, James. "Dan Christensen: The Circular Paintings." New York: Salander-O'Reilly Galleries, Inc., 1991.

  • Smith, Roberta. "A Color Field Painter From the 60's to Now." New York Times 2 Aug. 1991: C23.

  • Bass, Ruth. "Dan Christensen." Artnews Nov. 1991: 136.

  • Kandel, Susan. "L.A. in Review." Arts Magazine Nov. 1991: 97.

  • Adams, Brooks. "Dan Christensen at Salander-O'Reilly and Douglas Drake." Art in America Dec. 1991: 107-108.

  • Slivka, Rose C.S. "From the Studio." The East Hampton Star 4 June 1992.

  • Rosenbaum, Lee. "If It's Not Popular, That's Just Too Bad." New York Times 7 March 1993, Sec. H: 33-34.

  • Sunward, Justin H. "Incredibly Delicious." Gay Chicago 1 July 1993: 33.

  • Wei, Lilly. "Dan Christensen at ACA Galleries." Art in America July 1993: 99.

  • Anonymous. "Dan Christensen, Rhythmical Color." Sun Storm Summer 1993: 32-33.

  • Schwabsky, Barry. "Dan Christensen: ACA Galleries." Artforum Oct. 1993: 91.

  • Kennedy, Donald. "Art Facts & Artifacts." The Independent [East Hampton, NY] 6 Oct. 1993: 27. _

  • Cotter, Holland. "Art in Review -- '1969: A Year Revisited.'" New York Times 15 July 1994: C23.

  • Cotter, Holland. "Art in Review." New York Times 22 July 1994: C24.

  • Moffett, Kenworth. Preface. Dan Christensen [catalogue]. Seoul, Korea: Gallery ISM, 1994.

  • Pardee, Hearne. "Dan Christensen." ARTnews 94.1 (Jan. 1995): 165-66.

  • Lawrence, Josh.  "Dan Christensen--Overdue For A Resurgence" East Hampton Star, 3 Aug 1995

  • Wilkin, Karen, "At The Galleries", Partisan Review, Fall 1999:pp.640-652 (photo)

  • Heartney, Eleanor, "Dan Christensen and Ronnie Landfield at Salander-O'Reilly", Art in America, Feb. 2001:pp.146-147(photo)

  • Ernst, Eric.  "Three Galleries Reflect Healthy Art Scene" Southampton Press, 29 August 2002

  • Long, Robert. "Literal to Literary" East Hampton Star, 5 September 2002

  • Slivka, Rose.  "From the Studio" East Hampton Star, 14 November 2002

  • Rogers, Pat.  "Christensen Reflects on Retrospective at Parrish" Southampton Press, 14 November 2002

  • Harrison, Helen A. "Landscapes of Fantasy, and a Devotion to Color" New York Times 8 December 2002

  • Ernst, Eric.  "Artists, Not Ideas are Focus at Parrish" Southampton Press 19 December 2002

  • Crum, Katherine B.  "Dan Christensen--Reflections on a Retrospective" The Parrish Art Museum 2002